
Prostate cancer medical device market in Asia poised for growth



08-Jan-19 As Asia’s prostate cancer burden grows, so do opportunities for medical device companies with products to diagnose and treat the disease. Leading medical-device firms are moving into markets across Asia to promote their most innovative products. [image: MedTech Intelligence]

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International healthcare - travelling for tech



29-Oct-18 Innovative technologies are in great demand among international patients. In price-agnostic markets such as China, the Middle East and Russia, accessing technology is typically the number two reason for travelling overseas for treatment, after access to the latest drugs. [image: ITIJ / Getty Images]

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Healthcare companies need a tech strategy, says Malaysia's AmBank



02-Oct-18 Healthcare will be one of the top growth sectors in Malaysia, supported by a growing upper-middle income population and medical tourism, according to AmBank. But rapid development in technology presents both challenges and opportunities to industry players. [image: The Edge Markets]

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